Eastern Oregon

Holiday found me visiting the Painted Hills, John Day Fossil Beds and Bend.  Visiting the Lava Beds was a treat.  All while driving through Eastern Oregon in a 35 foot motorhome.

The drive was a slow climb to almost 8.000 feet to Paulina Peak, the most active volcano, driving uphill on a narrow graveled washboard road. Bulges on both mountains (middle of the three Sisters included) continue to grow, albeit at a slow rate.

Nothing compared to the 360 degree view we had of the desert valley.  Though desert hardly described acres and acres of lodge pole pine trees and highway 97 cutting through the middle of them. As far as the eye could see, there were trees everywhere.

Mountain ranges in the distance encircled the viewpoint, pale blue in color.  There were peaks that still were snow covered in the middle of September.

Along highway 97 small towns greeted us.  Colorless shanty homes with years of debris in yards painted a picture of poverty, lining graveled roads.  Some of these homes sported vivid blue tarps on roof tops to gather warmth during bitter cold evenings in the high desert.

This adventure promises continuation.

Until next time…


Shanty in Color.

Summer Is Here

How time flies! Summer is here. Garden planted. And…pretty soon it will be time to “hit the road”.

I am ready but then I’m not. So much to do. Summer is here.

Have been listening to the news on a daily basis. (probably not the best idea). There does not seem to be any safe place in the world. Corporations are getting greedier; police seemingly selecting certain nationalities, and Putin with his, “it’s all about me attitude.” I doubt any of this will go away quietly. People, in general, are good neighbors. Add a survival mindset, and they become strangers, doing things that seemingly are foreign to them.

But then….(insert the reason). The entire chapter of Matthew 24 gives us the answers of why, where and what for. The world situations are going to get worse. That is a guarantee. Kind of like a wake up call. Should we look elsewhere for answers? Most definitely! The Lord’s Prayer. Salvation IS a one world government. So reads the prayer.

I continue to look into that. We are all citizens of a government ruling on earth. Somewhere. Why not citizens of a government ruling from heaven?
PERFECTION to the max.

Summer is here.

Until next time…


When A Debt Collector Calls

There are four must do’s that will need to be done.

1. Ask for caller’s first and last name. None forthcoming? Hang up.

2. Ask for company’s full name. None forthcoming? Hang up.

3. Ask for telephone number they are calling from. None forthcoming?
You got it…hang up.

Do not share your social security number or bank account information. Under no circumstances!!!!! Not with anyone!

Make the debt collector prove rightful ownership of alleged debt!

Until next time….

Junk Debt Buyers…JDB

How to respond when contacted by a JDB. If you have received a letter stating you owe money, DISPUTE IT within the allotted 30 days. Something as simple as…”This ALLEGED debt is being disputed.” Send this certified, return receipt requested. The JDB cannot contact you until proof of ownership of the alleged debt is provided. (You may want to include that all future correspondence will be through the U.S. Postal Service.). Keep all correspondence between you and a JDB.

When and if the JDB does reply, then you are entitled to know if this alleged debt is legitimate. The following sample letter can be used, though written to apply to your special circumstances.

(Your Address)
(JDB Address)

To Whom It May Concern:

There are some issues which will need clarification and these include but not​ limited to the following… I am in receipt of your ( ). To further identify this alleged, DISPUTED debt, the following information is requested…

Is there an original chain of custody; have you been assigned this alleged debt, stating ownership of this alleged debt? P​lease provide proof and valid signature(s).​ Please include Forward F​low Agreement ​with the alleged account number for examination.

Will all witnesses, who have specific knowledge of this alleged debt, be available?

Is there an original contract between your company and me, with valid signature(s), stating I owe you for this alleged debt. P​lease provide proof.

Is the debt collector licensed in (your state). P​lease provide proof.

Is the original creditor’s contract for this alleged debt attached to the complaint? P​lease provide proof with valid signature(s).

Is there an agreement by your company and original creditor as to the balance of this alleged debt due? P​lease provide proof and valid signature(s).

Is there further evidence supporting this alleged debt, for my examination? P​lease provide proof. Are the original documents supporting this alleged debt readable? P​lease present them for review. If the documents were generated after the fact, who generated them? P​lease provide proof.

Please provide account statements from the original creditor with full ​payment ​h​istory​ of this alleged debt. When was the first and last payment made on this alleged debt? How was the total amount of this alleged debt calculated, including fees and interest? Has SOL passed? P​lease provide proof.

Because there has been an increase in identity thefts and scam letters, I do need to know that your business is legitimate. Any original correspondence should be on your letterhead as well as the creditor’s letterhead.


(Your Name)
Send it certified, return receipt requested.

Bottom line…you have been notified you owe money. It is the JDB’s responsibility to PROVE they have been assigned this debt by the original creditor. Your signature (written in ink), history of payment, beginning and ending balance of alleged debt should be on the original creditor’s letterhead, being provided. Also, check if account number of alleged debt is correct.

Ask for CHAIN OF CUSTODY and FORWARD FLOW AGREEMENT. And always remember that this is an ALLEGED debt until proven otherwise. The burden of proof rests with the JDB. They are requesting money from you; you owe them nothing.

Oh…if you are being sued…Show up on the court date at the courthouse. Otherwise the JDB wins by default. Chances are the JDB has inflated the alleged debt and they can garnish your wages among other things.

The alleged debt may be no fault of your own. Life’s circumstances dealt you a financial stumbling block. Do not allow a JDB dig you deeper in debt. Make them PROVE they have the right to your money.

A consumer lawyer, if you can afford it, should be consulted.

Until next time…